Loveland High School
Loveland High School is a school of excellence offering a comprehensive college preparatory and advanced placement curriculum. Students are taught by an impressively credentialed staff who help students gain state and national academic recognition through such programs as National Merit Scholars, ACT, SAT, AP scores, and college scholarships. LHS offers many academic and athletic opportunities for students who also have the opportunity to be a part of a wide array of clubs and activities. Besides our core academic classes, our art, music, and technology classes provide students the opportunity to excel in additional areas of interest.
Our overarching goal is to rigorously challenge all students to achieve in an atmosphere of care and support.
Go Tigers!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Students may enter the building beginning at 7 am
Drop-off will be at Door 1 (Rich Rd. side of the building) and Door 12 (student entrance)
Drop-offs entering the school grounds via the north driveway (by the fitness center) will turn left to drop off at Door 1 (Rich Rd). Please pull all the way forward using the two designated lanes for drop-off. After your student is dropped off, proceed forward to Tiger Trail and exit at the light.
Drop-offs entering the school grounds via Tiger Trail will proceed to the student entrance. Parking in front of the student entrance will not be permitted. This lane is for drop-off only.
Student drivers parking at the High School may enter the facility via Tiger Trail or the north driveway and follow the route to the student parking lot.
Please follow the flow of traffic leaving the facility.
Students are dismissed at 2:40 pm
Parents picking up may enter the facility via the north driveway or Tiger Trail.
Please enter the north driveway if picking up on the Rich Rd. side of the building. Students will exit Door 1. There will be 2 lanes of continuous traffic in the front of the building. Both lanes will exit onto Tiger Trail.
Please enter Tiger Trail if picking up in the student lot. Students will exit Door 12. Parking in front of the student entrance will not be permitted. This lane is for pick-up only.
Please do not arrive on campus before 2:30 pm to pick up your student. Traffic is lightest after 2:55 pm, so picking up your student closer to 3:00 pm is highly recommended.
Parking is not permitted on the north driveway or Tiger Trail. There must be a continuous flow of traffic on both sides of the building.
LHS Contact Information
- Attendance Line
- LHS Main Office
- Principal Dave Spencer
- Assistant Principal Mary Beth Corbin
- Assistant Principal Brian Conatser
- Athletic Director Jayson Bruce
- School Resource Officer
- Office of School Counseling