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Peachjar e-Flyers

Loveland City School District has partnered with Peachjar for the distribution of electronic flyers to make it easier for the families of our students to connect with community activities. Flyers are emailed once per week on Wednesday. Families will receive flyers as digital images in their email, and the flyers are also available on our school website. 

For Families
You will receive an email from Peachjar once per week on Wednesday. You can also check the Peachjar page of our website to access the flyers anytime. 

For Community Organizations
To submit your flyer for approval, review the  "Loveland City School District Flyer Approval Guidelines," which can be found on this page, along with Board Policy KJA. 

Visit and register as a Community Organization, then go to "Post and Notify" in your account to submit a flyer. After your flyer is submitted and approved, it will be emailed to parents and posted on the Peachjar flyerboard on each school's website for your selected duration of time. For more information on the process or pricing, please call Peachjar at 858-997-2117 or contact

For questions about Flyer approval or distribution, please contact our Communications Department.

Flyer Approval Guidelines

Loveland City School District Flyer Approval Guidelines

Loveland City School District provides electronic flyers from organizations as a community service. The provision of these flyers does not imply Board of Education sponsorship or endorsement of any program or event. Please contact the organization directly for additional information. To be distributed, electronic flyers must comply with applicable Board of Education Policy and Administrative Guidelines and shall: 

●    Support the basic educational mission of the district and directly benefit the students or be of intrinsic value to the students.
●    Should not promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, movies, or products unsuitable for children.
●    Should not be lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous.
●    Should not discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration.
●    Should not incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
●    Should not promote any particular political interest, candidate, party, or ballot measure, unless the candidates or advocates from all sides are provided the opportunity to present their views to the students during school hours or scheduled events.
●    Should not imply the school district’s endorsement of any identified product or service.
●    If the event or activity is religious in nature, the flyer may not contain a proselytizing message (i.e., a message that promotes and/or advocates the benefits of the specific religion)

LHS Peachjar e-Flyers